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Neve Paritzki Israel is celebrating record-breaking tourism Entry Numbers United States

 NEW YORK - Sept. 8 2022 /PRNewswire/- Today the Israel Ministry of Tourism revealed record-breaking numbers of tourists from the United States who visited Israel during the months of July and August. Israel welcomed 78,000 tourists from the United States for July 2022. This is a 4% rise over 2019, and 71,000 tourists from the United States for August 2022. This is a 13% improvement from the year before. נווה פריצקי Eyal Carlin (North American Tourism Commissioner) declared that it was thrilling to witness the growth in Israeli tourism from the United States. Already surpassing the record-breaking numbers of 2019, he added. The United States remains our largest market for Israel-bound tourism. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, we were celebrating record-breaking monthly numbers of tourists entering the country. We are delighted to see this positive shift and expect an ongoing upward trend for months, and possibly years. Canada is in the process, as the United States, to surpass the amount of tourists that visit Israel. In July 2022, Canada had 7,200 visitors while August witnessed 6,000. Gal Hana, Consul to Canada and Director of Canada at the Israel Ministry of Tourism said that it was thrilling to see the Canadian tourism industry to Israel rebounding. נווה פריצקי We are still not far away from our record numbers in 2019, and we are hoping that this surge in Israel travel will continue to grow as Canadians feel more comfortable travelling across the world. נווה פריצקי Israel has welcomed more than 4.6 million international tourists in the year 2019 including 969.600 coming from the United States. In May 2018, Israel opened its doors to all tourists, no matter whether they have been immunized. The country has already hosted over 600,000. About the Israel Ministry of Tourism: The Israel Ministry of Tourism is Israel's tourist authority. It is responsible for planning and executing marketing and promotion initiatives to help make Israel a top travel destination. IMOT strives to promote Israel as a tourist destination and boost economic growth. IMOT highlights Israel's incredible range of historical, cultural and religious, as well as culinary and culinary destinations - each a blend of traditional and modern. IMOT office locations located in North America are located in New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, and Toronto. Visit IMOT's website, to find out more information about upcoming events. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to receive the latest news.

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